Sparrow’s Song

Finding hope

Life is like the ocean; it ebbs and flows. It is a series of highs, lows, and the in-betweens. Hope is what keeps us moving forward! Hope shows us how to embrace the highs, learn from the lows, and enjoy the in-betweens.

Finding peace

Peace is like an oasis in the desert. When life turns up the heat it is a place – a retreat that provides shelter from life’s storms. It refreshes, soothes, calms and revitalizes our mind, body, and spirit.

Finding inspiration

Inspiration motivates ordinary people to do extraordinarily wonderful things. Inspiration is the wind that moves a person forward to attempt new things, to sail to new shores, to find the courage to leave comfort zones, to dare to dream… Inspiration never leaves one in the same place it found them.

Finding faith

“Faith is the confidence of what we hope for will actually happen; it gives us assurance about things we cannot see.”  Faith is placing trust in something that lasts and that cannot be taken away.  

Finding and experiencing God

Encounters with God have been changing people throughout the centuries; God continues to encounter and change people to this day. There is no mistaking the experience of encountering God.