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The Love of God

What is it about God that draws people to him? For me, it is his heart! His compassion for everyone; his unconditional and inclusive love. So different from the world we live in today.

Isn’t it just like God- when others walk out; He walks in and two hearts intersect.

And why, does He walk in? Because He loved us first. (1 John 4:10)

I hope you enjoy reading- The Love of God!

O LORD, you have examined my heart and know everything about me… You know my thoughts even when I’m far away…You know everything I do… You go before me and follow me…Such knowledge is too wonderful for me, too great for me to understand! Ps 139: 1-6

And may you have the power to understand… how wide, how long, how high, and how deep God’s love is. Eph 3:18

The Love of God

You saw me when I was hiding.
You loved me when I was unlovable.
You consoled me when I was inconsolable.
You saw a masterpiece where I saw none.

You covered me when I had no shelter.
You carried me when I had no shoes.
You fed me when I was hungry.
You protected me when I needed refuge.

You were faithful when I was faithless.
You pursued me when I wandered away.
You understood me without a word spoken.
You accepted me though I was entangled in sin.

You cared for me when I was abandoned.
You became my Father and I your child.
You redeemed me because I could not pay the price.
You gave me a voice and a new song to sing.

Can there be any doubt about Your Love,
the infinite Love of God?

Sparrow’s Song Psalm 108: 1 – 6 July 2023

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